Vettel honest: 'I'm not at home in the Aston Martin car'

F1 News

4 April 2021 at 10:43
Last update 4 April 2021 at 13:20

If one thing became clear to Sebastian Vettel after the Bahrain Grand Prix, it was that his dream re-start at Aston Martin could turn into a nightmare. In a new interview, the driver himself explains his first race of the season, and what appears to be a difficult start with the team.

"It's probably not the weekend we were looking for", Vettel began his analysis of the race opposite, "but there's a lot of things that we learned in the race that we need to address."

Vettel continued, acknowledging to be out of place in the AMR21 yet: "We will see how quickly we can fix them but I'm not at home in the car. There's a lot of things that are fighting me so that I can't really focus on driving. We need to address them and try and fix them."

Consistency is missing

Asked how much of the Aston Martin's potential Vettel has already managed to unleash, he replied, "I would probably say less than half as there's so many things going on still that break the rhythm and make it quite difficult in terms of feeling the car and feeling what I need to do to drive fast, so there's still a lot to do."

"I obviously adapt to how the car wants to be driven but there's obviously a lot of things that add certain inconsistencies that don't help. I hope we can fix a lot of it very quickly", said the 33-year-old driver.