F1 News

Bumper-thrower Corberi appeals and points to cross-country skier in defence

9 June 2021 at 18:21
Last update 9 June 2021 at 21:22
  • GPblog.com

About two months ago there seemed to be a definitive line through the racing career of Luca Corberi when he received a fifteen-year suspension for all racing competitions and functions within motorsport. He was not going to appeal, but now he has changed his mind.

Bumper throwing driver

At the end of October last year it all goes wrong during the World Karting Championship. When the 23-year old Italian is driven off the track by Paolo Ippolito, Corberi is so angry that he waits for his fellow countryman along the track to throw the bumper of his kart at the passing Ippolito. To top it all off, later on, in the pits, a fight broke out between the two of them.

An FIA investigation followed and demanded a lifelong suspension from Corberi. In April the international tribunal of the FIA ruled and imposed a suspension of 'only' fifteen years on Corberi because he should still have the chance to return to motorsport. Corberi resigned himself to the verdict and hung up his helmet on the willows. Until now.

An appeal has been filed

The FIA's international tribunal will revisit the case on 22 June, reports Motorsport.com. Corberi has filed an appeal. According to Corberi, the FIA would not be able to impose any sanctions at all, because the Italian authorities had already dealt with the same case.

He also points in his defence to another incident where a cross-country skier was only given a one-event suspension after attacking an opponent. The Tribunal has already refuted the latter claim by stating that cross-country skiing is a different sport, while also noting that the Italian authorities had not yet handed out any punishment at all. The appeal of the Italian seems to be hopeless from the start.