F1 News

Hamilton launches initiative: 'Black students have no role model to support them'

5 October 2021 at 11:30
Last update 5 October 2021 at 12:36
  • GPblog.com

On Tuesday, Hamilton announced a new initiative on behalf of his Mission 44 foundation: he wants to ensure that 150 black STEM teachers (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) are appointed in English schools.

Hamilton wants more black role models in schools

Earlier this year Lewis Hamilton launched his own charity organisation called Mission 44. The foundation was set up to offer young people from minority groups opportunities in the job market, mainly in technical professions.

The goal of the latest initiative is to provide a role model for black youth to increase their interest in these professions. "It's another step towards addressing barriers preventing young Black students' engagement with STEM," Hamilton said in a press release. He believes it is important for black pupils to feel represented and have role models in society.

Hamilton was motivated by personal experience

According to the statement from Mission 44, Hamilton was motivated by his own experiences. "Lewis felt his experience was different to his White counterparts, due to having no Black teachers at all throughout his educational journey," the statement said.

"There are not enough black teachers in technical professions in England," reads the caption to Mission 44's Instagram post. "This means that many Black pupils don’t have role models in the classroom who fully understand their background and can support them to achieve their full potential in these subjects."

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